The war for the planet ApesA deadly conflicts occur between Caesar and his army of monkeys and humans, led by the ruthless Colonel. Caesar struggle with their darker instincts, began his quest to avenge his family, following the extraordinary loss arising monkey. hesegeramenemukan himself face to face with the colonel in an epic battle that will determine not only the fate of the two species, but also the future of the planet.
Classification: NA
General Release Date: 13 July 2017
Genre: Action / Drama / Fantasy
Time: Not available
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Cast: Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson,Steve Zahn, Gabriel Chavarri, Judy Greer
Director: Matt Reeves
Format: 2D
After suffering huge losses ape, Caesar fought against dark instincts and began to seek his own myth, to avenge his family. Caesar and his apes have mematikanberkelahi with an army of people, led by the ruthless Colonel.After suffering huge losses ape, Caesar ofhistemnyy fighting instinct and start your own mythical quest to avenge his family. In round finally brought them face to face Caesar and one kolonelterhadap each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both their species and the future of the planet.
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