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Name: Saga Flag 2

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ColossalGloria abandoned by her boyfriend because the party too much and can not control the drinking problem. He returned to his hometown, Gloria returned to her childhood friendship with Oscar, who has a bar. After spending the night with friends Oscar and Gloria Bangun and found that giant monsterrampaging through Seoul. He begins to realize that the monster is in some way connected with it.


Classification: NA

Release Date: 2017 04Mei

Music Genre: Action / Sci-Fi / Thriller

Duration: Not available

Distributor: Figure TGV

Starring: An Hatauey, Dan Stevens, Austin Stowell,Tim Blake Nelson

Directed by Nacho Vigalondo

Format: 2D

One woman found that severe accidents are somehow related to mental disintegration suffering.

Gloria (An Hatauey) drink too much and too many countries. his friend had enough and threw it. Gloria returnedhalamannyakota in the village, dreams of a new beginning, but tegoPrzywraca childhood friendship with Oscar (Dzheysan Sudeikis), which has a bar. After drinking the night with Oscar and his friends, she woke up to find a giant creature moving through Seoul and realize that the monsters are somehow connected.

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