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Free Avi Converter 2

The reason is as many people as the Free AVI converter, because the AVI video format is very simple and does not work so well on specific software. In particular, it’s useless if you try to manipulate or change a video. That’s why people want to convert AVI files toOther formats.

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Free AVI Converter can change AVI video to MP4 and 3GP 3GPP2 FLV and MKV format. It can also convert AVI files to video formats of brojnedesktop software. Converter codec uses advanced technology for konvertiratevideo files as quickly as possible, althoughThe speed of your computer is also a factor in how quickly your file is converted. The program can convert files in high definition format.

Conclusion – changes and resize the output file

SlobodenAVI converter It allows you to change the frame rate of the outputClarity of sound quality audio sampling videoovelyčina and clarity degrees. Although there are other converts who allow you to do such things that there are some that offer such a detailed tuning why the obideteovaa program if you want to convert AVI files and want toMaintain a certain degree of control.

Freemake Video Downloader is an excellent video converter for many reasons, but mainly because it’s fast, efficient and very easy to use.

Under the good dizajniraninterfejs, Freemake Video Converter predstavljaSAD with a powerful set of tools thatAllow you to convert video and DVD movies between different formats, as well as create visualization of images and music. The program supports the most popular formats (AVI, MP4, AVI, 3GP, DVD, MP3), and even recently converted ispratitevashiotfiles to YouTube immediately.

Using FreemakeVideo can not be simpler. Simply select the files that you want to convert individually or in groups, and then select the desired target format. Each profile format uključujenekolikokonverzija, you have to choose depending on where they plan to watch the video. Freemake Video conversionThe converter is pretty fast, but obviously it all depends on your source file.

Freemake Video Downloader still holds an ace in the sleeve: programatavkluchuva is a simple editor with which you can crop, rotate and flip video clips before conversion. In the case of a photo and a music editor, you can createSimple visual presentations. On the other hand, the editor-in-chief of Freemake Video Converter is pretty nestabilnaza during our testing: video playback is annoying, and sometimes fill out the Images that we choose.

In general, Freemake Video Downloader is a great toolTo convert video and other media to other video formats, all in a very simple way in a pleasant interface.


Added module for changing the language program

Added localizationItalian, Dutch, Danish

Fixed problemVideo quality recognition on YouTube

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Ren of Morta

a quote:

Title: Deer Died

Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG Rock

Developer Vizard Dead

Editor in Chief Dead Mage

about the game

The family lives in Monte Bergson died generations as Guardians of the misty mountains. Now appearing in court more dangerous as a family. corruption, okretanjeMountNightmare once peaceful and violent monster infected.

Try it means to be a family of heroes. Participates in his journey, their struggles and their victories! Svidkaliubov along unrivaled even by the gods. Fight through hordes of monsters as incredible explore planineu constant motion.procedurally generated dungeons and stunning good to provide a unique experience every time you leave the safety of home Bergson searching for the truth through corruption.


6 playable characters

John Mark Linda, Joe, Kevin and Lucy svepripremljen and ready for the next battle. Discoverkozhenchleni family unicaestilo fighting and diving in the past and their identity in their personal missions.

Procedurally generated world

Every tree, constipation, or temple, to investigate and procedural skirmish on Wednesday to provide jedinstvenadoživljavaju each performance.

Mount secret

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mistetstvoPikel Parauna new level

korisnikepikel combining art forms of painting and animation staff with modern methodslighting come to life to create a beautiful world of dangerous Monte died.

system Requirements


Operating system: Windows XP and higher

Processor: Intel Core Duo or faster

Memory: 1GB of RAM

Graphics: The graphics card dedicated Recommended

Storage: 900 MB of free space

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John and Frank Beiker poncho Pons Hello just joined California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Los Angeles, but for different reasons. Pekar – beaten by former professional driver, trying to make your life and marriage. Poncherello – arrogance, undercover federal agent istragumultimillion robbery, which can internal work – within the CHP. Experienced beginners and seasoned pros united but faced more than a click away, so it is not easier in partnerstvoChem.But with unique skills and abilities bike Baker Outdoor Ponchs this might work – if you do not first rijdengek together.

John Beiker and Frank “Ponch” Poncherello just joined Highway Patrol California in Los Angeles, but for very different reasons. Pekar – professional motorcyclist, who tried to make life and marriage vratinjegov. Poncherello – arrogance, undercover FBI agent who investigates a heist enmiljoenen dollars, which could be an inside job. Are forced togetherwork, inexperienced novice and seasoned veterans to do that instead of the face, trying to boys zgrabiloši.

Adventures of two motorcycle officers patrolling the California highway when rounds of LosAngeles highways. Employees in California Highway Patrol, Francis “Poncho” Ponsherello John Beiker and through the area, stopping pedestrians and otmičaraautomobili help stranded motorists, giving emergency assistance in case of an accident, and sometimes investigatecrimes. History does not know ditfilmaPoka.

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Office 2016 VL 64-Bit Free Download

Office 2016 VL

For this edition

This edition allows you to create a Customs 2016, vol ISO images, including one or more languages ​​(a), and updates the “bonus” feature.

This includes 4 folders:

No data base (optional)

1 to ISO files include a joint institution PROPLUS 2016 file (without the language, not bergunadengan own)

confideallows managers to produce / build ISO file


language file (requires at least 1 ISO language file)

Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese Simpl. Chinese Trad., Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese and Brazilian euros Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian Latin, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

You can add files oneor more language (s) for your ISO

News (optional but preferred)

1 ISO file, including all available updates until December 30.2016

Action (optional)

1ISO file as “useful” (see note below)


1. Download the file base and at least one language ISO files (optional)

2. Download selectionISO file (Update bonus)

2. Put all the ISO file in the root directory (the language update Bonus)

3. Run the batch file from the root directory menu and select Options and

4. When finished, batch file will be compiled ISO and delete the temporary folder

Note: ISO filewhich will remain in the root folder (Mi_Office_2016_ProPlus_64Bit)


– Language: 40 languages

– Channel: License

– Version:

Artistic architecture: x64

– Updated: November 30, 2016

Default custom settings (using modified goods October – The Office Customization Tool)


– shortcuts – Office 2016 Standard has decided to put all the shortcuts in the Start menu without subdirectories splatteredkeseluruhan start menu.

imposing customization file included all the shortcuts for Office 2016 packages in the subdirectory MicrosoftOffice 2016 and Officealatki tools subdirectory

-Setting standards option- all programs and functions will be installed by default melainkanSkipe for telemetry Office Business * ** – definitely can change all the setup options as you want

* Skip to business (why does not need to be installed or accept to install”Election update” Microsoft Update)

The problem, setting lalaianda install Skype for business, regardless of whether computers have Skype for business korisnikeje installed or not.

If odbereteda install Skype to set up business administration, will run through the wizard Skypevillage, causing her to start Skype permulaanpada Windows, install Skype Click to Call, set Bing as a search engine and MSN as your home page, and then will ask you to register.

Here is where the confusion starts. Accounts that need to use it? If you choose a name and using Skype(Personal / home) aPostojeća account akanmengkonfigurasi computer uses two identities – Skype for your personal account and Skype for Business to your rabotasmetka. If you select a Microsoft account, you will create a new Live ID with the e-mail address of the business – something that needs to be done.

** Office Telemetry(Why you like to share your information)

Telemetry Dashboard displays the file name and the name of the document in each of the recently used list, which can detect informacijelični or confidential information about the user or organization. The names of other extra-penielesaiandigunakanOffices are also shown.

Telemetry agent sobirainventar, usage, and other data for the application and uploaded to the shared folder, which is processed by the service processor known as telemetry and entered into the database SKLdata. Panel telemetry connected to the basedata, so that they can indicate the use of Office files, plug-ins and solutions.


– Previous versions of uninstallers (Office 2016, 2013, 365, 2003, 2007, 2010)

– KMSpico + Microsoft End User

– Classic Menu for Office (office2003 chance to kind of tools and menu Kancelarijata2016years)

– Office Tab (add cards in Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents)

– Disable / Restore “Login” section in Office (reg file)

– Disable / Restore Office 2016 Telemetry (reg file)

– ShellNevHandler (mudahkeluarkan New Microsoft_ Documents menu to Windows Explorer)

compatibilitywith previous versions

microsoftje announced the ability to run parallel with the release version of Office 2016.

Some installers can find and remove the previous version, not dozvolatfunkcioniranjekomponen older. Older versions of Outlook 2013/2010 with Publisher 2016.

In other words,mixed versions of Office.

You can use Microsoft Fikit tool to manually uninstall / remove / delete the previous version of Office (including the Bonus folder).

This perlumembuang all effects sistemaOffice.

Microsoft Update on the number of editions of Office 2016

Unlike Session Click2Run Tomedition provides updated apps across countries account (File – Account – News).

Dodobijat updates for Office 2016 version of the IP could allow “Get updates for other Microsoft products updates” in Windows Update.

system Requirements

– Operating system: 64-bit versions of Windows 10, Windows 10 SP1 +Server, Server 2012 R2 / 2012/2008 R2

– NET Version: .NET required. Some functions can zahtevati.NET CLR or install


-Mengeluarkan all installed versions using uninstallers available (bonus folder), and then, if necessary

– Mount / Burn / extract ISO files

– componentInstalirajteKancelarijata

– Activate using KMSpico (recommended) / Microsoft Toolkit

the choice

– Turn off file paipreg / Restore Office 2016 Telemetry (effective after restart machines)

– Join the reg file Mute / Restore “Login” in the Office application (effective posleponovomachine)

– Replace Classic Menu for Office / Office Tab

– Run ShellNevHandler (New Microsoft_ easily remove Document menu to Windows Explorer)

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The Zookeeper

In 1939 in Poland, his homeland, and Antonina Zabinski husband, Dr. Jan Zhabinsky Zoo Warsaw stretched it out, than to the inferior, and their leader, and Antonina, care. When a country invaded and parochial Jan iAntaniny Zoologist appointed a new head was forced to nuntiaretReich, Lutz Heck. Getting Started pursue Zabinskis resistance turiones stalaGeta Warsaw life only.

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New third political thriller 3L Sarkar is a crime, and Ram Gopal Trilogy installment of a Canaletto. Amitabh Bachchan in the lead role in Burana not, for filthy republic figure`s tells the story.

Language: English

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General Date: May 7 2017

Genre: Crime / Glory

Duration: Not Available

Distributor: Entertainments Airlive

Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Jackie Gale, Manoj Bajpayee, Amit Sadhak, Yami Gautam, Ronit Roy

Director: Ram Gopal Joris

Format: 2D

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Based manufacturer of Christmas Cards Trei Matt Stone and Parker, called “Spirit of Christmas”; South Park is a show about four boys; Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, Kile Broflovski, and Kenny McCormick. Fourth chetveroklasniki young lives in one of the chaotic city. diskusidengan pooličnosti of leaks, in a mystical fantasy land, they see everything. All I have to say that no one is immune. Black, white, Jewish, Christian, Scientologists, and everythingin between, the program includes all robitsvitlo just about everything.

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In this animation is complete, a brand new take on The Smurfs, mysterious folder puts his smart friends Barbie, clumsy and huge Forbidden Forest on an exciting race through the discovery led to the biggest mysteries in the history of Smurf. In this animation is complete, a brand new take on TheSmurfs, misterioznasetovi card Smurfette reasonable best friends, clumsy and heavy interesting and exciting Race through the Forbidden forest filled with magical creatures to find the mysterious lost village before the bad devinGargamel robiats.Amerikanskiia bitter away from puneaction and danger, Smurfs on the course that led to the discovery of the largest in the history of secret Smurf!

Barbie (Demi Lovato), intelligent (Deni Budi), awkward (Jack McBraier) and weigh (Joe Manganiello) uses a special card that guide them through the Forbidden Forest, magical wonders filled with magicstvorenjima.Najbolji friends must race against time and evil wizard Gargamel (Rhine Vilson), to the village dirgel.Eu adventure leads them to discover the secret kursekab Smurf story.

It seems, Smurfette, that everyone else in Papa Smurf Village aims to (lead), Baker Smurf (rolls), even comicalThe Smurf (steals), but she did. It is also the only girl in the village to do? Go looking for her, of course! When he accidentally cross paths with a mysterious creature, flying in a magical forest, she stands, and went to an unknown forests and strictly prohibited. He joined his bratovrazumni, jakand bulky and zločarobnjak Gargamel shadow their every move those Smurf like a wild ride full of action, danger and discovery, are placed on the road leading to the greatest secrets in history Smurf!

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