John and Frank Beiker poncho Pons Hello just joined California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Los Angeles, but for different reasons. Pekar – beaten by former professional driver, trying to make your life and marriage. Poncherello – arrogance, undercover federal agent istragumultimillion robbery, which can internal work – within the CHP. Experienced beginners and seasoned pros united but faced more than a click away, so it is not easier in partnerstvoChem.But with unique skills and abilities bike Baker Outdoor Ponchs this might work – if you do not first rijdengek together.
John Beiker and Frank “Ponch” Poncherello just joined Highway Patrol California in Los Angeles, but for very different reasons. Pekar – professional motorcyclist, who tried to make life and marriage vratinjegov. Poncherello – arrogance, undercover FBI agent who investigates a heist enmiljoenen dollars, which could be an inside job. Are forced togetherwork, inexperienced novice and seasoned veterans to do that instead of the face, trying to boys zgrabiloši.
Adventures of two motorcycle officers patrolling the California highway when rounds of LosAngeles highways. Employees in California Highway Patrol, Francis “Poncho” Ponsherello John Beiker and through the area, stopping pedestrians and otmičaraautomobili help stranded motorists, giving emergency assistance in case of an accident, and sometimes investigatecrimes. History does not know ditfilmaPoka.
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