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MiniLyrics 7.4 x86 x64 Download

MiniLyrics 7.4

MiniLyrics is a plug-in for various types of music players, which displays the texts of their favorite songs as they play.


Singing your favorite songs out loud is one of the little joys of life, especially when no one is very close to kuliona.Lakini obviously you know the lyricsSongs with which you strap. Fortunately, this is something that you can easily get to Minilyrics.

how it works

MiniLyrics is a plug-in that includes one of the most impressive database lyrics most users can not find, even as a compulsive MP3 collector.

It launchesSimultaneously with the karibuyoyote music you can think of, including iTunes, Winamp and Windows Media Player. After that you can press the play button, and the program will automatically search for lyrics based on the information provided in the file of music labels.


During the testsMiniLyrics found the texts of each track played, including English, Spanish songs, Germany, Japan, even Italiana. In addition, in a few cases MiniLyrics have not found the correct letter, they can be downloaded and displayed in less than 30 seconds, the program can save text to mp3 filesAnd leave the candles on the iPod Touch or iPhone. On the lower side, MiniLyrics displays a window to saw every time it starts, it resembles an eoutras log file on every email. That is, the price of most music lovers is likely to be ready to pay a plug-in todo.MiniLyrics kuvutiakwa music lovers whoWant to know what your favorite musicians are singing.


Fixed: Failure The problem when using the song text download for iPod.

Fixed: Crash problem when open some special characters.

MiniLyrics 7.4

  1. MiniLyrics 7.4 Download Free
  2. MiniLyrics 7.4 download
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