Release Information
– Language: English (EN-US)
– Channel: Volume Licensing
– Version (SP2)
– Architecture: x64
– Proofing Tools: French, Spanish
– Updated July 12, 2016
bonus folder
– KMSpico Final + Portable
– Microsoft Toolkit Beta 5
– Classic Menu for Office (Office 2003, add toolbarsand the type of menu for office 2013)
– OfficeTab (edit multiple files in a tabbed window)
– Previous versions of uninstallers (Office 2003, 2007)
– UdalitVse stariversiya with the included uninstallers (recommended but not required)
– ISO / write files / extract Mount
– InstallationOffice2010
– Activate Microsoft Toolkit / KMSpico (recommended)
– Classic Menu for Office (Office 2003, add toolbars and menu type Office 2013)
– Tab Controls (edit multiple files in a tabbed window)
required operating system
– Windows XP Service Pack 3 (except64-bit versions)
-Windows Vista SP1 / 08.07.10
– Windows Server 2003 SP2 and MSXML (except na64-bit)
– Windows Server 2003 R2 / 2008/2008 R2 / 2012
Release Information
– Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 10 SP1 + Server 2012 R2 / 2012/2008 R2 (64-bit 64-bit systems)
– Includes: Office Professional Plus, Pro Project, Visio Pro
-Architecture: x86 / x64
– Language: English (EN-US)
– Proofing Tools: French, Spanish
– Channel: Volume Licensing
– Version:
– Updated JAugust 9, 2016
Individual defaults (little changed in October – CustomizationTool Office)
– Next EULA
– Label – Officedefault in 2016 decided to put all shortcutsa start menu without subdirectory splattered all over the Start menu.
Customization files included installation contains all the combinations for Office 2016 products in Microsoft Office 2016 and Office subdirectory subdirectory tools Tools.
– Ability to adjustdefault: all attampokpo default program, with the exception of Skype for Business * (Office PROPLUS) and telemetry Bureau ** (OfficeProPlus / Pro Project / Visio Pro) will be installed – you can obviously change all the parameters as you like,
* Skype for Business (why do not install it, or accept,to set it as “optional updates” from the Microsoft Update)
The fact is, the default setting is set Skype for Business, if your computer does Skype for biznesaustanovlen or not the client.
If you choose to install Skype for business from an office installation, it is stillSkypeSetup consultants offer to run Skype, when Windowszapochva, install Skype Click to Call install Bing as a search engine and MSN as your home page, and then ask you to enter.
This is where the confusion begins. Which account should I use? If you chooseSkypePangalan and use the existing (personal / home), this account is set up your computer to use two identities – Skype on your personal profile, Skype for business at the expense of performance. When you select a Microsoft Account, it will create a new Live ID is your e-mail address – something that can not be iskatedagawin.
**Telemetry Control (why can not you share your data)
Telemetry Dashboard displays the file names and user dokumentovKazhdy recently used list, which may reveal personal or confidential user informationoorganisasyon. The names of additives and other solutions which are used by the Office are also shown.
Agent telemetry collection inventory, usage, and other data and applications will be added to the shared folder, where it is processed by the service known katotelemetrichnata processorat,inserted into the SQL database. kontrolPlata telemetry associated with the database, so that it can demonstrate the use of Office files, add-ons and solutions.
bonus folder
– + Microsoft Toolkit KMSpico
– UBitMenu Adjuster (add the Office 2003 toolbar and menu style office2016) – librengpara personal use
– Previous versions of uninstallers (office 2016, 2013, 365, 2003, 2007, 2010)
– Disable / Restore option “Login” in office applications (REG-file)
– Disable / Restore Office2016telemetriey (registration file)
– ShellNewHandler (easy to remove New Microsoft_ in the context menuWindows Explorer)
Compatible with nakaraangbersyon – not a mixed version of Office
Microsoft has removed the possibility of parallel versions of the Office 2016 release.
Part of the installation program will find and remove any previous version to prevent the use of older components. the old versionOutlook, Publisher 2013/2010 in 2016.
You can use angMicrosoft FIXITvruchnuyu tools to remove / delete / uninstall the previous version of Office (including the Bonus folder).
This should remove all traces of the Office system.
Upgrade Office 2016 volume edition
Unlike Click2Run volume edition does not provideupdateapplication through accounts (File – Accounts – Update).
Updates for Office 2016 VL version, you must activate the “Get updates for other produktovot Microsoft Update” in Windows Update.
– Remove all stariversiya using the supplied uninstallers (bonusfolder)and restart if necessary
– ISO / write files / extract Mount
– Installation of Office features
– Activate using KMSpico (recommended) / Microsoft Toolkit (replay activator, if you add an application later)
– Disable / Restore Office 2016 Telemetry- MergerREG file “Disable / VosstanovitOfis 2016 telemetry” (takes effect after restart)
– Disable / Restore “Login” option in Office applications – merge reg file “Disable / RestoreVhod” (takes effect after restart)
– Set UBitMenu Tuner (optional)
– Run ShellNewHandler(Madalingalisin Microsoft_’s New in the Windows Explorer context menu – optional)
- Microsoft Office 2010 64bit download free
- Microsoft Office 2010 x64-x86 installer free download